Our Stained Glass Windows
The Beautiful art glass windows that grace our sanctuary have been designed and placed in such a way as to convey the story of God's revelation to his people in the Bible. The artist has skillfully combined the central themes of the Bible with the portrayal of the persons who best represent them. In addition, the top area of each window present an appropriate Christian symbol. The progression is from the front of the nave on the west back and around to the front of the nave on the east. The windows were produced by the Pittsburgh Stained Glass Studios, with the artwork and coloring done by Mr. Milcho Silanoff, an experienced and creative stained-glass craftsman with many years experience.
- Adam depicts the fall of man into sin from the state of grace in which God had created him. The forbidden fruit of temptation is symbolized.
- Abraham personifies the limits to which developed Faith may take a person in response to God's command. The all seeing eye, an ancient Christian symbol, represents God's presence everywhere.
- Moses received the law of God, which is our instructor in the true way of life. The burning bush through which God called Moses into his service is symbolized.
- David, the poet and king of Israel, is the one through whom the kingly line of Christ is traced. This is symbolized by a cross superimposed on the house of David.
- Isaiah, perhaps the most outstanding of all God's prophetic spokesman, binds the Old Testament and the New Testament together with his prophecies of the coming Messiah. The cross superimposed on the book conveys the sense of his unique mission.
- The Christ child, with His adoring earthly parents, tells of the greatest event in human history, as God became flesh and dwelt among us. The star above was both an announcement and a guide.
- The boy Christ in the temple depicts one scene in the boyhood of Christ, Luke 2:52. The open Bible and the cross symbolize Christ as the Word and as the Savior.
- Baptism of Jesus marked God's approval and commissioning of His Son for His service. Just so the Holy Spirit, as a descendent of, purges and equips the repentant heart for Christian discipleship.
- The rich young ruler reminds us of all those who are unwilling to give themselves completely to Christ. The moneybags and the Chi Rho (an early church religious symbol for Christ) symbolize the choice he had to make.
- The Sermon on the Mount was our Lord's formal teaching of the way, the truth, and the life, for His disciples. The heart, superimposed on an anchor, represents the steadfastness of the heart that is grounded in Jesus.
- The Lord's Supper portrays the institution of that Blessed Sacrament. The fruit of the vine symbolizes our relationship to our Lord.
- The Lord in prayer in Gethsemane reveals the elements of petition and submission to God's will that mark every sincere prayer. The cup of the new covenant, filled with His own blood for His disciples, is pictured above.
- The crucifixion of Jesus, the tragedy which God turned into triumph, is the only way through which God for giving mercy towards sinners could be secured. The orb, topped with a cross, testifies to the victory of the cross over the world.
- The resurrection of Jesus from death's entombment is God's guarantee of His supreme power over death and evil once and for all. The lilies symbolized the immortal life of which all true believers are assured.
- The world missions window in the overflow room to the west depicts the Church at work, bringing the good news to people of all nations. The cross and crown symbolize the Kingdom of God.
- The ascension window in the overflow room to the east depicts the Great Commission, Matthew 28:19. The eye symbolizes the constant presence of the comforter.
- The cross window in the balcony is lit at night. The triangle is a symbol of the Trinity.